Thursday, January 17, 2013

Silver Linings

Hey guys!

Here we go. Let me see if I can get my thoughts together. So initially, I want to apologize for the delayed update, but honestly there has been no better time than now to tell you all what's been happening in my crazy life, so let's begin ...

So since my last post, classes have started.
If you were unaware, I'm in sorority and that means: chapter, chairmen meetings, leading sister bible study, and step practice.
In the midst of that, I've been trying to find a community for myself here at school. That was the hardest part of my first semester. Not only has that consumed my time, but also my thoughts and emotions this week.
Trying to find a place to live next year has been rather ... confusing. 
There's prepping for Africa: letters, calls, addresses, licking envelopes and even worrying about this blog post.
Oh yeah, then of course there's eating and sleeping.

All sounds a little melodramatic (I know), but wait, just let me paint the picture for you ...

Despite my rather heightened level of stress, the Lord has been breaking me ... in a good way. I honestly thought I would not mentally or emotionally make it through this hectic week, but every time I thought about breaking down or giving up, the Lord showed up and gave me little things to be thankful for: the mid 70 degree weather (in January!!), His control of time, rain, my big--Claire, the support of my friends and family, deep sleep, music and journaling. Oh, how I am blessed.
So even when I wanted to cry because of all the work I had to do, I rejoiced--my God is sovereign and works all things together for good. Even when I felt incredibly alone, I rejoiced--my God is a great comforter, my best friend. Even when I felt inadequate, I rejoiced--for I am a vessel for the Holy Spirit who works in and through me. And even though I'm $1700 short for my deadline next Friday, I will continue to rejoice--for all the money in the world is God's and He will move it around at His will. 
For all of this, I am sure.

It's all about viewpoint. All situations' tenses can be changed with a slight shift of view. How convicted I felt after realizing how truly blessed I am. The week that I thought would be horrible turned into days absolutely filled with silver linings. And for so many of those things I have to be joyful for:

Shout out to these lovely ladies for helping me with my funding letters

Meet Lexi, my roommate.

And Claire, my big sister within my sorority!

For all of you who have been praying for my week and leading my sorority's bible study,
I am deeply thankful for you and your thoughts and prayers. I am so excited for my sisters, our fellowship in Christ and their desire to learn more about having a relationship with the Lord.

And for all of you who have responded to my letters,
Thank your for your donations and/or prayers. They are incredibly appreciated. And I'm so over joyed to know that the envelopes with "the little Africa" on the back are being looked forward to and that my trip is already being deeply thought about and prayed for. 

Yes, it all depends on your viewpoint and no matter the circumstance, with joy these blessings I will remember.

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice."
Philippians 4:4

In Him,

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