Thursday, May 9, 2013

Counting Down!

So ... I guess I'm really bad at updating. I promise I'll get better--but only for the next week because

I leave in 8 days.

So soon! Time flies so quickly. I can't believe in about a week I'll be meeting my team and getting prepped to travel to Africa. It's still so crazy to me, and most days I still don't feel like I'm going (even though my suitcase has been packed for a week already)!

Alright, let me update you. So the last time I wrote, I was basically biting my nails over receiving my passport. Well folks, let me thank you. Your prayers worked and about a week later, I received my passport (4 weeks before it was expected) and was able to purchase my tickets!! My entire group will be traveling to Kenya together, on one plane (something I was worried about) and I won't have to call any of you and tell you I won't be going!! If you have kept up with my blog, you all know the crazy obstacles I've experienced during this journey and how God has shown me that they are nothing compared to His power. He has made it very clear that Kenya is where He wants me this summer and I can not wait to see what He has in store for me and my team!

Secondly, about 2 weeks ago, our team had 3 members who were not fully funded. As a team, we were about $7,000 short of everyone going to Kenya. One of Journey's alum, created a game to help fully fund our interns. "The envelope game,"which many of you received Facebook invites about, allowed people to pick an envelope with a dollar amount on it (which they donated to Choose to Invest) in hopes of winning a prize or t-shirt. We had Journey Alumni, current interns, and interns' friends (who didn't even know who they were giving money to) donating! I think my entire team can back me up when I say it was so powerful to get Facebook notifications every few minutes about people promising to donate, making sure EVERYONE was going to Africa. Within the week, all three of our interns were funded. Pretty awesome.

Well after some stressful weeks of finals and moving back home here we are! With almost a week before I leave, the dreams have started. I fall asleep thinking about Kenya and it's all I dream about. Sometimes in a good way, but sometimes in bad way and even scary way. Most of my dreams revolve around being homesick. I've had such a nice week at home with my mom and brother (resting after finals, ew) that I know I'll miss not being able to hear from them for 10 weeks!! I think being homesick for my family will definitely be a theme this summer. Despite this, I'm so excited to be meeting new people and making friendships all over the world. Some dreams I've had are just weird though, like forgetting to pack shoes and even a Wizard of Oz like twister coming through Kenya and my team just watching it like nothing bad was going to come of it! I guess all this nervous tension and dreams just mean that I'm excited--I am!!

As I get closer, I'll update you on more packing and preparing adventures! Until then, I ask that you all are praying for me and my team. Obviously, the time until we leave is FLYING by. Pray that we are preparing well and using our time wisely. Pray that we are continuing to look to the Lord to prepare our minds and hearts for this adventure with Him. Pray for safety as everyone travels to Georgia for a week of preparation at Camp Highlands. Pray for Camp Highlands. Pray for relationships to be built between all our teammates. Pray for softened hearts. Pray against doubt and fear. Pray for the journey ahead. It's gonna be a good one.

In Him,


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